Bio identical Hormone therapy Granbury , TX - Equilibrium Hormone Institute

Overview of Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy involves supplementing hormones that decline naturally with age. The goal is to maintain optimal hormone levels, alleviating unpleasant symptoms of hormone imbalance.

Bioidentical means the hormones match the natural hormones found in the human body. They are extracted from plant sources and are identical in molecular structure to hormones produced in the body.

Benefits of bioidentical hormones:

Bioidentical hormones are available in FDA-approved, pharmacy-grade preparations, tailored to the patient's needs and hormone levels.

At Equilibrium Hormone Institute, our practitioners have advanced training in bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT). We take a holistic approach focused on achieving hormonal balance for optimal health and wellbeing.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalance

The first step is testing hormone levels through blood, saliva or urine tests. This gives us a baseline to determine if supplementation is needed.

We evaluate symptoms and risk factors like:

Timing is important - replacement therapy works best when started promptly at onset of deficiency symptoms, before they intensify.

Our services

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Customized Treatment Protocols

Hormone levels and needs differ from person to person. We develop customized bioidentical hormone replacement protocols tailored to each patient's:

Monitoring progress with follow up lab testing ensures optimal hormone balance is achieved and maintained long-term.

Bioidentical Hormones We Offer

The most commonly supplemented hormones include:


Declining estrogen levels are responsible for most menopause symptoms like hot flashes. Estrogen supplementation provided symptom relief.


Progesterone helps regulate menstrual cycles and stabilize estrogen effects. Declining progesterone contributes to symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, and weight gain.


Testosterone supplementation can boost libido, energy levels, cognitive function and emotional wellbeing.


DHEA supplementation may enhance mood, energy, bone density and improve skin texture.

Thyroid (T3 & T4)

Balancing thyroid hormone levels combats fatigue, mood instability, weight gain and supports metabolic health.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to those produced by the human body. However, there is limited evidence on their long-term safety and efficacy compared to conventional hormone therapy. More research is needed to fully understand the risks and benefits.

Lifestyle Recommendations

Diet and exercise habits directly impact hormone levels and replacement therapy results. We provide customized lifestyle guidance regarding:

Relaxation is key. We recommend nearby walking trails, yoga studios, massage therapists and other local wellness resources.

Lab testing services are offered by several area labs. We'll provide you with a list so you can select a convenient location.

Improve your health with bioidentical hormone therapy!

Why Choose Equilibrium Hormone Institute?

Our practitioners have advanced TRT training with considerable expertise in testosterone and bioidentical hormone replacement therapies (BHRT). We stay current on the latest medical research and treatment approaches.

We take time to listen and address all your questions and concerns. Our approach is:

We partner with area wellness providers to offer comprehensive support - helping you feel your best again!

Contact us today to determine if BHRT is right for you. Our Granbury office offers complimentary consultations.

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